
Publication details [#10214]

Tomasczyk, Jerzy and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds. 1990. Meaning and lexicography (Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe 28). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xxv + 340 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


On 19-21 June 1985 an international conference on meaning and lexicography was held at the University of Lódz (Poland). The presentations at this conference show clearly that the period 1975-1985 was "a decade of the lexicion", a period of heightened interest in dictionaries, lexical semantics and lexicography. Among the topics discussed in the papers are the interaction of semantic and formal structures in the lexicon, the problems of meaning, synonymy and dictionary, dynamics in meaning as a problem for bilingual lexicography, etc.
Source : Based on abstract in journal

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