
Publication details [#10243]

Métraux, Jean-Claude, Orest Weber and Pascal Singy. 2003. Quand la médecine a besoin d'interprètes: introduction [When medicine needs interpreters: introduction]. In Guex, Patrice and Pascal Singy, eds. Quand la médecine a besoin d'interprètes [When medicine needs interpreters] (CMS: cahiers médico-sociaux). Genève: Editions Médecine et Hygiène. pp. 11–35.


In the introduction of this edited volume, the authors have a look at the situation of the immigrants in Switzerland. They discuss the Swiss social services and examine the obstacles in the communication between patient and caretakers. The authors try to offer some solutions to the communication difficulties. Finally, they discuss immigration and interpreting in Switzerland.
Source : K. Foelen