
Publication details [#10321]

Durham, Maria. 2003. Advice to employers, recruiters, speakers, audiences and colleagues about how to make best use of the interpreter's services. In Szabó, Csilla, ed. Interpreting: from preparation to performance. Recipes for practitioners and teachers. Budapest: British Council Hungary. pp. 47–56.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The complex task of assisting communication between people who would otherwise be unable to understand each other because of a language barrier is performed by interpreters with the necessary natural disposition and training. They must be experts in languages and different cultures, but first and foremost in logical thinking, in performing multiple tasks simultaneously and in coping with stress and fatigue. If this is accompanied by a dedicated attitude to transmitting the intended message of the speaker, the right mixture is available. On top of this, successful interpreting can be greatly enhanced by how the interpreter is helped in his/her work by the people who resort to his/her service. This subject is discussed in this paper.
Source : K. Foelen