
Publication details [#10380]

Sorvali, Irma. 1986. Inforeme: how to measure information-content. Inforeme as a unit in translation. Babel 32 (1) : 58–63.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Journal DOI


The aim of this study is to discuss the information-content in parallel texts, in original texts and in their translations. This study of the transfer of the information-content is an experiment to measure the quantity and the art of information in original and translation. This is done by means of a theoretical model which the author calls "inforeme". First the author discusses some relevant linguistic aspects. Secondly, some translation theories are presented in order to shed light on the information in the message. Thirdly, the theoretical model is presented by using texual material in Swedish and Finnish. Different text types are discussed.
Source : Based on abstract in journal