
Publication details [#10501]

Hosington, Brenda M. 2006. “A poore preasant off Ytalyan costume”: the interplay of travel and translation in William Barker’s Dyssputacion off the nobylytye off Wymen. In Biase, Carmine G. di, ed. Travel and translation in the early modern period (Approaches to Translation Studies 26). Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 143–155.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject


Travel and translation are intimately linked in the person and writings of William Barker, an Englishman born in roughly 1520. This is particularly true of his translation of Ludovico Domenich’s 1549 La nobilità delle donne entitled Dyssputacion off the nobylytye off Wymen. Barker’s preface reads like a travelogue, with its detailed description of Petriolo, a spa-town just outside Siena, while his dedicatory letter to Queen Elizabeth, to whom he presented his translation in 1599, makes plain his belief in the importance of foreign travel. The translation itself also shares some features with a travelogue, relying on imagination and at times interweaving reality and fiction. Thus this text, unjustly neglected, fascinatingly merges the Italian and English cultures and travel and translation.
Source : Based on abstract in book