
Publication details [#10601]

Leuven-Zwart, Kitty M. van. 1988. Stand van zaken op het gebied van de vertaalbeschrijving met behulp van het model 'vertaling en origineel' [State of affairs in the field of translation description with the aid of the 'translation and the original' model]. In Broeck, Raymond van den, ed. Literatuur van elders: over het vertalen en de studie van vertaalde literatuur in het Nederlands [Literature from somewhere else: the translation and study of translated literature in Dutch] (Cahiers voor vertaalwetenschap 1). Leuven: Acco. pp. 119–127.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The present article reflects on the author's method for translation description, developed in her doctoral thesis called Vertaling en origineel (Translation and the original). Originally this method was intended for the Dutch translation of Spanish prose. The starting point of this method is the hypothesis that the shifts in a translation when comparing them to the source text, could shed light on a number of factors that played a role in the translation process. The aim of the present contribution is to briefly report on the results of this method, particularly when applied to Dutch translations of Spanish and Latin American prose. The method has two major components, it comprises a comparative model and a descriptive one. The former traces microstructural shifts, i.e. shifts between the source text and the translation on the sentence or phrase level. The latter examines the influence of the microstructural shifts on the text as a whole.
Source : P. Van Mulken