
Publication details [#10713]

House, Juliane. 2005. Valutazione della qualità della traduzione: descrizione linguistica e valutazione sociale [The assessment of translation quality: linguistic description and social assessment]. In Agorni, Mirella, ed. La traduzione: teorie e metodologie a confronto [Translation: theory opposed to methodology]. Milan: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto. pp. 133–152.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Edition info
Translated by Rachele Antonini.


This article is about the assessment of translation quality. Given the fact that the translation process is fundamentally an operation to maintain a semantic equivalence between linguistic units from one language to another, one can distinguish at least three theories regarding to the significance. Each of those theories involves a different assessment of translation. In this article, the author elaborates these three approaches to the assessment of translation. She then gives her own reflections and finally illustrates the distinction between linguistic description and social assessment.
Source : K. Foelen