
Publication details [#10899]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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The idea for this book arose from the 5th international conference on translation, “Interculturality and translation: less translated languages”, organised by the Unversitat Autònoma de Barcelona in October 2001. The focus of the conference was the role of translation in cross-cultural relations with special emphasis on languages which are less translated and more particularly on Catalan, a significant Western minority language that remains largely unresearched in mainstream Translation Studies. One of the main contributions to of this book to the field of translation studies is the very notion of “less translated languages”, a concept that has been developed by the authors of several of the chapters. Inspired by the concept of “lesser-used languages”, a term now current in the European Union, “less translated languages” applies to all those languages that are less often the source of translation in the international exchange of linguistic goods, regardless of the number of people using these languages.
Source : F. Note