
Publication details [#10918]

Llop Jordana, Irene. 2004. Translation from Hebrew into Catalan: a current assessment. In Branchadell, Albert and Lovell Margaret West, eds. Less translated languages (Benjamins Translation Library 58). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 289–314.


This article offers an overview of the situation of translation from a minority language (Hebrew) to another minority language, Catalan, through a review of the 20th century bibliography. The first section of the article has to do with the most important translators and their background. The second deals with the current situation of the studies and the students of Hebrew in Catalonia. The third section is about the main difficulties that translators have in translating a text from Hebrew into Catalan. The last section deals with the historical development of translation from Hebrew into Catalan from the beginning of the 20th Century to the present time.
Source : F. Note