
Publication details [#10961]

Miller, John C. 1986. Translation and the health profession: pamphlets for aids and its diverse audience. In Kummer, Karl, ed. Building bridges. Medford: Learned Information. pp. 177–183.


Through a survey of more than 20 publications on aids in Spanish, reflecting California, Florida, New York, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico, the writer makes an analysis of the information, its accuracy and its audiences. The writer discusses the challenges the virus creates for the translator. In a conservative, political time when sexual and drug-related activities may not be directly expressed, how do the materials reach the audience? Tone, content and variant of Spanish are studied. Mistranslations and miscommunications are detailed. The writer proposes a broad overview of crisis-oriented translation, publication and distribution of pamphlets relating to the AIDS/SIDA circumstances.
Source : Based on abstract in book