
Publication details [#10977]

Priest, Peter F.H. 1986. The greatest danger in Russian technical translation. In Kummer, Karl, ed. Building bridges. Medford: Learned Information. pp. 279–286.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


The present article discusses one of the greaterst dangers in Russian technical translation, namelly the widespread use of the inverted sentence, which occurs in approximately one out of four sentences. It occurs 83 times more frequently than it does in English. The author looks into three syntactical strategies for translating. He finds that the two most frequently used strategies produce odd and/or awkward sentences. The author argues that the only acceptable strategy is to preserve the given-new sequence of the Russian sentence by converting initial elements into subjects and by replacing the verbs with their converses.
Source : Based on abstract in book