
Publication details [#10995]

Cris Mora, Anna. 2004. Josep Vallverdú: translation as resistance and service. In Branchadell, Albert and Lovell Margaret West, eds. Less translated languages (Benjamins Translation Library 58). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 353–364.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject


Josep Vallverdú I Aixalà is well known in the world of Catalan letters, chiefly as a prolific writer of fiction for children and young readers. However, his literary activities were not confined to this genre, he is the author of essays, popularising works, books on the Catalan regions, drama, poetry, film-scripts, articles, and literary criticism. He also devoted much time to translation, with some seventy translated works to his name, most of which were from English, French and Italian.
Source : F. Note