Publication details [#11049]
Andres, Dörte. 2001. Notation: gute Zeichen - schlechte Zeichen: empirische Untersuchung Zur (Un)-Möglichkeit von Notizien, dargestellt am Sprachenpaar Französisch-Deutsch [Notation: good signs - bad signs: empirical research on the (im)possibility of notes, the case of the language pair French-German]. In Kelletat, Andreas F., ed. Dolmetschen: Beiträge aus Forschung, Lehre und Praxis [Interpreting: contributions from research, study and practice] (FASK: Publikationen des Fachbereichs Angewandte Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft 30). Bern: Peter Lang. pp. 243–265.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
An empirical research on consecutive interpreting and note-taking lies at the bottom of this article. The author discusses the design of the investigation, the evaluation of the empirical data, efficiency and succinctness of note-taking, quality, information structure, memory and lag, etc.
Source : K. Foelen