
Publication details [#11067]

Rucci, Marco. 1999. L'interprete e il suo pubblico: abilità communicative e norme deontologiche [The interpreter and his audience: communicative abilities and deontological norms]. In Falbo, Caterina, Mariachiara Russo and Francesco Straniero-Sergio, eds. Interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva: problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche [Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting: theoretical problems and didactic methodology]. Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. pp. 152–157.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


The present contribution examines some aspects of the public role of the interpreter in terms of communicative behaviour and principles of professional ethics. By doing so, the author refers to the actual norms in the matter of interpreting quality in Italy. First, the author states that the interpreter is the centre of interest, he then discusses some requirements within the framework of professional ethics, and he finishes his contribution by giving the Italian norm on the subject.
Source : K. Foelen