Publication details [#11144]
Esteves-Ferreira, João. 1998. Information policies of professional translators' associations. In Kruger, Alet, Kim Wallmach and Marion Boers, eds. Language facilitation and development in Southern Africa. Pretoria: South African Translators' Institute (SATI) - Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT). pp. 6–8.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Every language worker is aware that translating is a specialised vocation. Yet, this vocation is not recognised as a fully-fledged profession and the status of translators leaves much to be desired. A general ignorance of the profession as a whole and a lack of information are at the basis of this state of affairs. In order to achieve recognition, a few questions need to be asked. These questions are discussed in the present article.
Source : K. Foelen