
Publication details [#11166]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper attempts to establish whether the numerous stereotypes found in isiXhosa have a considerable impact on translation or interpreting. The Xhosa nation has a paradoxical history of a deep-rooted patriarchal tradition; however, the empirical findings of sociolinguistic research have challenged and refuted many stereotyped beliefs about language that labels women. This means a fundamental shift in the way language is viewed. Language is seen as being re-created in transactional relationships between people in different situations; meaning in languages is derived from the whole situation rather than residing in specific linguistic forms and words. Central to this is the focus on the style which women adopt in particular settings and with particular others. The new empirical findings offer more opportunities for the creation of new meaning and a new understanding of “male” and “female” and also explores ways in which unequal power relationships between men and women are mirrored and maintained in language.
Source : Based on abstract in book