
Publication details [#11235]

Gorp, Hendrik Van. 1979. Vertaling en evolutie van een literair genre: de Europese picareske roman in de zeventiende en de achttiende eeuw [Translation and evolution of a literary genre: The European picaresque novels in the 17th and 18th century]. In Lefevere, André and Rita Vanderauwera, eds. Vertaalwetenschap: literatuur, wetenschap, vertaling en vertalen [Translation Studies: literature, studies, translation and translating]. Leuven: Acco. pp. 86–97.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject


In a recent (1979) study devoted to picaresque literature, Harry Sieber claims that “the translations of Spanish picaresque novels are the key to an understanding of the European history of the genre. Translators were ‘readers’ who not only injected their own tastes and attitudes in their translations, but also assessed and attempted to include the sensibilities of a wider ‘invisible’ reading public”. The author of this article wants to clarify this thesis using some important translations from the 17th century and the first decades of the 18th century, who, for later translations, proved to be directional and ensured the birth of the genre ‘picaresque literature’ in the literary systems. [Source: F. Note]
Source : Unknown