Publication details [#11347]
Larson, Mildred L., ed. 1991. Translation: theory and practice, tension and interdependence (American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series 5). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. viii + 270 pp. 
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
ISSN: 0890-4111
This collection of articles investigates the tension between translation theory and practice. It is divided into five major parts: 1. Translation as a Process, 2. Theoretical Aspects, 3. Non-prose Genres, 4. Putting Theory to Practice, 5. Language Specific Issues, 6. Translation in the University.
Source : Publisher information
Articles in this volume
Doyle, Michael Scott. Translation and the space between: operative parameters of an enterprise. 13–26 
Brisset, Annie. Translation and social discourse: Shakespeare, a playwright after Québec's heart. 120–138 
Gile, Daniel. A communication-oriented analysis of quality in nonliteraty translation and interpretation. 188–200 
Weissbrod, Rachel. Translation of prose fiction from English to Hebrew: a function of norms (1960s and 1970s). 206–223