Publication details [#11375]
Leikauf, Günter. 1997. Metamorphosen eines Dolmetschinstituts. 50 Jahre Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung an der Universität Graz [Metamorphosis of an interpreting institute. 50 years of translator and interpreting training at the University of Graz]. In Grbić, Nadja and Michaela Wolf, eds. Text, Kultur, Kommunikation: Translation als Forschungsaufgabe [Text, culture, communication: translation and interpreting as a research object] (Studien zur Translation 4). Tübingen: Stauffenburg. pp. 15–29.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The purpose of this contribution is to acquaint the reader with the Institute for Translators and Interpreters at the university of Graz (Austria). Also, the most important stages in the history of the Institute are discussed. To a certain extent, the history of the Graz institute reflects the history of translator and interpreter training in Austria.
Source : F. Note