
Publication details [#11670]

Wong, Lawrence Wang-chi (王宏志教授). 2005. From 'controlling the barbarians' to 'wholesale Westernization': translation and politics in late imperial and early republican China, 1840–1919. In Hung, Eva and Judy Wakabayashi, eds. Asian translation traditions. Manchester: St. Jerome. pp. 109–134.


This paper traces the development of translation activities in late Imperial and Early Republican China, focusing on the intellectuals' change of attitude towards translating Western Learning. A number of major issues are discussed: (1) How and why was translation adopted as the means to modernize and save the country? (2) What texts were selected for translation in order to fulfill this purpose? (3) What were the opposing voices and how were they dealt with? (4) What were the changes in people's attitude towards translating Western Learning? (5) What impact did such translation activities have on China socially, politically and culturally?
Source : Publisher information