Publication details [#11700]
Barbaza, Raniela. 2005. Translation and the korido: negotiating identity in Philippine metrical romances. In Hung, Eva and Judy Wakabayashi, eds. Asian translation traditions. Manchester: St. Jerome. pp. 247–262.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This paper examines the korido metrical romance as a literary product borne out of the contact between the cultures of the Philippines and Spain. It investigates how the korido, as a form of rewriting, reveals the Filipinos' response towards Spanish domination. Mainly involving Spanish themes expressed through Spanish words, the koridos show how greatly Filipino culture has been dominated by Spanish culture. Using the Tagalog concept of translation as revealed through the word 'pagsasalin', the paper indicates how translation was employed by the Filipinos for their own purposes even as it was used in reconstructing their culture to suit the purposes of the conquering culture. The paper focuses on the korido Historia Famosa ni Bernardo Carpio sa Reinong España na Anac ni Don Sancho at ni Doña Jimena as a specific illustration of how the Tagalog concept of translation is revealed in the rewriting of the koridos.
Source : Publisher information