Publication details [#11832]
Pym, Anthony. 2006. On the social and the cultural in Translation Studies. In Pym, Anthony, Miriam Shlesinger and Zuzana Jettmarová, eds. Sociocultural aspects of translating and interpreting (Benjamins Translation Library 67). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 1–25.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
The numerous sociocultural approaches in Translation Studies are generally of the "toolbox" kind, where any number of models and factors may be drawn upon. This situation leaves many doubts with respect to what might constitute a sociocultural explanation, how pertinent factors can be located methodologically, what kind of causation is involved, and whether the social and the cultural might actually be the same thing. In attempting to formalize and solve those problems, models are offered where explanation requires methodological movement between the social and the cultural, where pertinent factors are located in and around the professional intercultures (or "translation cultures") that define the borders of large-scale social systems, where causation appears as relatively asymmetric correlation, and where the sociological is partly quantitative (abstract empirical data) and the cultural is usually qualitative (signifyin practices). The general approach is deemed suited to the study of mediators as people, rather than just texts as objects in a system. As such, it draws on advances in Interpreting Studies and resists subordination to any more general study of whole societies.
Source : Based on abstract in journal