
Publication details [#11863]

Tsagouria, Polymnia. 2005. The influence of English on Greek: a sociological approach. In Anderman, Gunilla and Margaret Rogers, eds. In and out of English: for better, for worse? (Translating Europe). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. pp. 97–107.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This article focuses on the sociological aspects of the lexical influence of English on Greek and the influx of English words into the Greek language. More spefically, in the first part the author provides an outline of those factors operative in Greek language, which have given rise to the widespread use of English words. In the second part the author discusses some attitudes among Greeks towards their own language and their reaction to the increasing use of English words. Finally, the author focuses on the influence of English on spoken and written Greek as the outcome of these attitudes to Greek and English respectively.
Source : P. Van Mulken