
Publication details [#12]

Orozco Jutorán, Mariana. 1999. La metodología de la investigación en traductología [Methods in translation research]. In Dollerup, Cay, ed. Hispanic Translation Studies. Special issue of Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 7 (2): 189–198.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


Empirical research methods in Translation Studies have been used in Spain for a decade. The article touches upon the most recent studies carried out in Spain as well as the trends in current research. A research methodology based on the scientific method is proposed, and a research design to study the acquisition of translation competence in trainees is presented, including three original measuring instruments created for the study: the first instrument measures the translation notion of the students; the second one measures students’ performance with translation problems; and the third one measures performance regarding translation errors.
Source : Abstract in journal