
Publication details [#12001]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper is a case study which points out how literary creation can deal with the prevailing concepts of “original” and “translation” in the culture where the literary object is produced. We are dealing with a book of poems introduced to the reader as a bilingual and posthumous edition: the Portuguese text would be the source text and its editor would have done the Spanish version. However, in the Portuguese text some non-native characteristics stand out, or it could be the case that its author wanted to conceal that the “original” was in fact a self-translation from Spanish. The creation of this poetic pseudo-original in Portuguese may be related to the role Gabino Alejandro Carriedo played in the fifties as an intercultural mediator between Portuguese and Spanish poetry. It may also show how Lusophone literature was adopted by the Spanish literary system and, therefore, an ethical challenge to its cultural identity.
Source : Abstract in book