Publication details [#12010]
Schwaiger, Petra. 1997. Die Kriminalisierung des Ciderverkaufs: Strategien des Kulturtransfers anhand der scenes-and-frames Theorie [The criminalisation of cider sales: strategies of the cultural transfer based on the scenes-and-frames theory]. In Grbić, Nadja and Michaela Wolf, eds. Text, Kultur, Kommunikation: Translation als Forschungsaufgabe [Text, culture, communication: translation and interpreting as a research object] (Studien zur Translation 4). Tübingen: Stauffenburg. pp. 203–214.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Translation is not merely a language, but also a cultural transfer, which means rendering cultural specific aspects of a source text in a target culture is not easy. The scenes-and-frames theory is a good starting point that shows the translator which cultural references will be understood by the target recipient and which require further explanation from the translator.
Source : A. Matthyssen