
Publication details [#12042]

Nielsen, Marita. 2005. Translated words in the Dictionary of Old Danish: how knowledge about the practice of translation can be derived from the dictionary. In Andersen, Peter, ed. Pratiques de traduction au Moyen Âge [Medieval translation practices]. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. pp. 178–185.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


The Dictionary of Old Danish is being compiled under the auspices of the Society for Danish Language and Literature. It is intended to be a historical, scholarly dictionary, taking all surviving Danish sources from the period 1100-1515 into account. A large part of these sources are translation, most often form Latin. Whenever it has been possible to identify the foreign source, the foreign text is reproduced on the slips of the dictionary. The list of sources includes an identification of all the foreign texts used. In the entries every foreign parallel vocable to a given lemma is cited. The entries are stored in a structured database that makes it possible to retrieve and to select specific elements for further examination. In this way the raw material for an Old Danish-Latin dictionary can be brought to light.
Source : Abstract in book