Publication details [#12236]
Alcandre, Jean-Jacques. 1998. Démarche pédagogique progressive pour une prise de notes raisonnée en interprétation consécutive [Progressive pedagogical approach for well-reasoned note-taking in consecutive interpretation]. In Hartzell, James, ed. Ocena tlumaczenia ustnego [Evaluating an interpreter's performance]. Lodz: Centre for modern Translation and Interpretation Studies, University of Lodz. pp. 87–92.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
One of the main difficulties in transmitting knowledge and know-how in the field of interpreting lies in the initial phase of contact with this discipline. It is recommended tot first explain the precise method of working and to progressively introduce difficulties in order to create transitional phases in the first stages of acquisition. The author proposes a progressive approach to enable evaluation in all acquisition stages as it is not possible to efficiently evaluate knowledge and aptitudes that have not been clearly defined in advance.
Source : A. Matthyssen