Publication details [#12247]
Gouadec, Daniel. 2002. La traduction multimédia dans les stratégies professionnelles des traducteurs: compétences requises et implications pour la formation [Multimedial translation within the professional strategies of translators: required skills and consequences in training]. In various authors, ed. Il traduttore nuovo: atti del convegno multimedia 2000 [The new translator: proceedings of the conference on multimedia 2000]. Special issue of Il Traduttore Nuovo 57 (2): 153–172.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Multimedial translation does not exist. What does exist is localisation, subtitling, dubbing, and the translation of Web sites, all specialisations claimed in any number of CVs but which, however, make no specific reference to 'multimedial translation.' All of them, however, require of the practitioner specific skills and training: dynamism, speedy data-acquisition, and an in-depth knowledge of computer supports and languages. The end-product is the result of the co-operation of various specialists: the translator, the dubber, the computer scientist, etc. The multimedia translator's place is interactive, in a team of professionals, and no longer relegated to the straightforward translation opera a text. The main objective is thus to produce a translator with total competence in both language, source and target, and in terminology and phraseology; skilled in the techniques of documentation and the optimal use of search-engines, of rereading and revision, of planning, of basic book-keeping and planning procedures, and, lastly, with an awareness of Machine Translation. The translator of the future will be 'multimedia' in the sense that s/he will have been able to draw on technical, electronic, and logistic possibilities some of which are as yet merely a glint in the eye of their creator.
Source : Based on BITRA/A. Martínez-Gómez Gómez