Publication details [#12461]
Grbić, Nadja and Sonja Pöllabauer. 2006. Community interpreting: signed or spoken?: types, modes, and methods. In Hertog, Erik and Bart van der Veer, eds. Taking stock: research and methodology in community interpreting. Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia: New Series 5: 247–261.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
This article focuses on the similarities and differences between spoken and signed language community interpreting (CI). After a brief overview of the various terms that are generally used in the relevant literature – albeit inconsistently – to categorize various sorts of interpreting (type, mode, setting), we examine a number of typologies of interpreting events that have been developed in order to allow for a more complex categorization of such events. A brief outline of the history of research into spoken and signed language CI is complemented by a short description of the similarities and differences between spoken and signed language CI. The article also discusses various examples of research methods that have been applied to spoken and signed language CI.
Source : Based on abstract in journal