
Publication details [#12514]

Agafonov, Claire, Thierry Grass, Denis Maurel, Nathalie Rossi-Gensane and Agata Savary. 2006. La traduction multilingue des noms propres dans PROLEX [The multilingual translation of proper names in PROLEX]. In Grass, Thierry, John Humbley and Jean-Louis Vaxelaire, eds. La traduction des noms propres [ The translation of proper names]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 51 (4): 622–636.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


After defining what they mean by proper nouns, the authors mention some general problems raised by this category in relation to - multilingual - translation. They establish a two-level typology of proper nouns and then examine various devices, going form loan translation - which amounts to no translation - to free translation, through literal translation - not forgetting transliteration and transcription between two languages using different alphabets. They finally study some aspects of the morphology of proper nouns in relation to machine translation.
Source : Based on abstract in journal