Publication details [#12523]
Teplova, Natalia. 2006. Traduction et politique langagière au Japon: de l''ouverture au monde' à la 'mondialisation' [Translation and langue policy in Japan: from 'opening up to the world' to 'globalization']. In Brunette, Louise and Marc Charron, eds. Langue, traduction et mondialisation: interactions d'hier, interactions d'aujourd'hui [Language, translation and globalization: interactions from yesterday, interactions from today]. Special issue of Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, Translators' Journal 51 (4): 758–770.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
In this so-called age of 'globalization,' many countries see their national language(s) being threatened by more powerful rivals. Japan, however, is an example of a country whose language-culture manages to distance itself from that threat. This paper attempts and observation, through the history of language reforms, of the development of the Japanese written language, as well as the role played by translation in that process.
Source : Abstract in journal