Publication details [#12606]
González González, Marta. 2005. Las traducciones de Nosis en Renée Vivien: aproximaciones desde la teoría de los polisistemas y la teoría feminista [Renée Vivien and her translations of Nossis’s lyrics: polysystem theory and feminist theory]. Hermeneus 7 : 115–130.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
In the third century B.C., Nossis took the Sappho’s poetry as a starting point of her own poetic work. Her reading of Sappho clashes with that of Athenian Comedy, which was to have such enduring repercussions. Renée Vivien undertakes the same operation, but her reading creates a two-fold tension: with the academic reading predominant at the time (Wilamowitz and Welcker) and with Les Chansons de Bilitis of Pierre Louÿs, which were addressed to a voyeuristic male audience. The employment of the same model leads to the appearance, in the Vivien’s work, of recreations of Nossis’s lyrics.
Source : Abstract in journal