
Publication details [#12647]

Plas, Adèle van der. 2005. Integrity and accuracy of the translation: the Baybasin case, or how to check the quality and integrity of an anonymous translator. In Gasille, Willem Jan and Heleen Keijzer-Lambooy, eds. Aequilibrium: instruments for lifting language barriers in intercultural legal proceedings (Cahiers voor Juridisch Vertalen en Tolken 3). Utrecht: ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen. pp. 87–97.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language


In this article the author uses the Baybasin case to illustrate the need for interpreters and to demonstrate the importance of investigating tapped telephone conversations both technically and linguistically. She touches on the ethical side of having tap interpreters making translated summaries.
Source : A. Matthyssen