
Publication details [#12839]

Gagnon, Chantal. 2006. Ideologies in the history of translation: a case study on Canadian political speeches. In Bastin, Georges L. and Paul Fadio Bandia, eds. Charting the future of translation history (Perspectives on Translation). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. pp. 201–223.


The article explores the role of ideology in translation and presents a case study of political speeches and institutional discourse within the context of the classic conflict between the two founding nations of the Canadian federation. The author show how this conflict is played out in the ideologically-driven choices made n the translation of political speeches, resulting in translation shifts which often create conflicting images of the same event. She concludes that ideological translation shifts as practiced by the Canadian government are the result of deliberate institutional policies, which are determined by the value systems of Canadian society ate various moment in contemporary history.
Source : A. Matthyssen