Publication details [#1309]
Holden, Nigel. 1996. The reorientation of management language in Russia and Poland in the transition to the market economy: a neglected perspective. In Somers, Harold L., ed. Terminology, LSP and translation: studies in language engineering in honour of Juan C. Sager (Benjamins Translation Library 18). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 47–65.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
This paper presents an overview of the Russian language, with a particular focus on the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, and points out the problems of the language’s reorientation of its lexical systems to handle modern management know-how in the context of transition towards market economy. By way of contrast, the author provides a brief commentary on the reorientation of Polish. The main conclusion amounts to a challenge to management educators, whose efforts to transfer western management know-how into a post-socialist frame of reference are hampered by the persistence of a most unusual form of language barrier.
Source : L. Jans