
Publication details [#13139]

Atayan, Vahram, Daniela Pirazzini, Laura Sergo and Gisela Thome, eds. 2007. Übersetzte Texte und Textsorten in der Romania: Akten der gleichnamigen Sektion beim XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag, Kiel 2003 [Translated texts and text types in Romania: proceedings of the section of the same name of the XXVIII Deutsche Romanistentag Kiel 2003] (Bonner Romanistische Arbeiten 95). Bern: Peter Lang. x + 177 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


This volume deals with the multiple translation problems in different text types in Romania, and between German and English and a number of romance languages. The articles in this book offer analyses on the transfer of literary and philosophical texts (from detective novels to medieval mysticism, from political essays or Goethe to theatre of the absurd). Also translation in the press of technical translations are analysed. The issue of media translation is mainly dealt with by examining translation problems in synchronisation.
Source : A. Matthyssen