
Publication details [#13187]

Dourot-Bouce, Élizabeth. 2006. De l'intertextualité dans les traductions françaises des romans d'Ann Radcliffe [On intertextuality in the French translations of the novels by Ann Radcliffe]. In Raguet, Christine, ed. Traduire intertextualité [Translating intertextuality]. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject


A key element in Radcliffe’s novels, poetical intertextual references are diversely treated in the French translations published from the 18th century to the 21st century. Radcliffe’s contemporaries prove more accurate and more faithful to the original text than later editions, some of which are mere instances of bowdlerization, and are dictated by reasons ranging from a change in the target-public, the genre of the original, the fashion of the day, and purely economic priorities. We may indeed wonder whether this genre, deeply influenced by Burke, Shakespeare, and the verse of the graveyard school of poets, can be transposed into a language such as French, ruled as it is by strict regulations.
Source : Abstract in journal