
Publication details [#13189]

Gouaux, Laurence. 2006. Traduire les intertextualités littéraires, lexicales et énonciatives chez Eudora Welty, ou comment mettre au jour l'intimité du texte, sa genèse [Translating the literary, lexical and enunciative intertextualities in Eudora Welty, or how to bring to light a text's intimacy, its genesis]. In Raguet, Christine, ed. Traduire intertextualité [Translating intertextuality]. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Eudora Welty’s writing contains numerous examples of intertextuality, making it difficult for a reader or translator to define the limits of their sphere of action. When the borrowing from Greek myths and Welty’s own writing is explicit, then the translation reflects the hypotext, but when there is more implicit borrowing, then the translation takes the text at a tangent and returns to its origins. This is the case in particular when the borrowing in the novels comes from the sub-titles of the photographs taken by Welty in her youth. In these sub-titles the use of BE + -ING brings out Welty’s perception of the instant. The translation of this same BE + -ING form in Welty’s novels by the verb 'voir'—to see—allows the photographs of the author’s youth to shine through the text.
Source : Abstract in journal