Publication details [#13231]
Falzoi Alcántara, Carmen. 2005. Especificidades en la enseñanza de la traducción jurídica [Specificities in teaching legal translation]. In García García, María Elena, Antonio González Rodríguez, Claudia Kunschak and Patricia Scarampi, eds. IV jornadas sobre la formación y profesión del traductor e intérprete: calidad y traducción. Perspectivas académicas y profesionales [IV conference on training and career development in translation and interpreting: quality and translation. Academic and Professional Perspectives]. URL
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Article in jnl/bk
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Translators who take on specialised texts generally overcome their thematic lacking by documenting themselves extensively. The specific area of legal translation requires prior thematic and conceptual knowledge which allows the translator to handle linguistic as well as legal difficulties. When teaching this area of translation, the instructor must deal with the fact that students knowledge and experience enough to undertake these translations unassisted. Further it is crucial to equip them with thematic, linguistic a stylistic background to face the translation as is discussed in this paper.
Source : Based on abstract in book