
Publication details [#13290]

Federici, Federico M. 2006. Translatability, dialect, and internationalization: Calvino between theory and practice. In Armstrong, Nigel and Federico M. Federici, eds. Translating voices, translating regions. Rome: Aracne. pp. 259–275.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This article sets out to analyse the relationship between on the one hand an author's style and his language, and on the other translation and internationalization as it was understood by Italo Calvino. Two main point are discussed: Calvino's practice as a translator of a regionalized and linguistically unique novel, and his theoretical stand concerning translation and regionalized literary style. By proposing another perspective for translating regionalized voices, the article also describes an apparent yet explicable paradox between theory and praxis that is visible in Calvino's translation choices.
Source : Based on abstract in book