Publication details [#13294]
Mooneeram, Roshni. 2006. Negotiating Shakespeare's hypercanonicity in Creole: ideological and practical considerations. In Armstrong, Nigel and Federico M. Federici, eds. Translating voices, translating regions. Rome: Aracne. pp. 331–349.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
This article focuses on the contemporaneity an uniqueness of Mauritian Creole as a language thriving through literary translation. It further draws attention to the impact of the translation of drama, an often neglected area of (literary) Translation Studies, on the linguistic and literary evolution of a regional language. The author's case study is based on Dev Virahsawmy's translations of Shakespeare into Mauritian Creole, a language issued from and marginalised by colonization but which has, in postcolonial times, emerged as a vibrant literary language.
Source : A. Matthyssen