
Publication details [#134]

Jaroniec, Simone and Robert C. Sprung, eds. 2000. Translating into success: cutting-edge strategies for going multilingual in a global age (American Translators Association Scholarly Monograph Series 11). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xxii + 240 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
US ISBN: 1-55619-630-X


This book presents select case studies that illustrate the state-of-the-art of language management. It covers a cross-section of sectors, each of which has particular subtleties in language management: software localization; finance; medical devices; automotive. The book also covers a cross-section of topical and strategic issues: time-to-market (scheduling challenges; simultaneous release in multiple languages); global terminology management; leveraging Internet, intranet, and email; centralized versus decentralized management models; financial and budgeting techniques; human factors; management issues unique to language projects; technological innovation in language management (terminology tools, automatic translation). The heart of the book is the concept of the case study, particularly the Harvard Business School case-study model. Industry leaders and analysts provide some 15 case studies covering the spectrum of language applications. Readable and non-academic - it can serve both as a text for those studying language and translation, as well as those in the field who need to know the 'state-of-the-art' in language management.
Source : Based on publisher information

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