
Publication details [#13408]

Monterde Rey, Ana María. 2004. Estudio terminológico de la relación entre formas de representación del conocimiento a nivel conceptual en textos dirigidos a legos en reabastecimiento en vuelo: aplicación a la traducción [A terminological study of the relationship between the forms of the conceptual representation of knowledge in texts addressed to those who know nothing about air refueling: its application to translation]. In Bravo Utrera, Sonia, ed. Traducción, lenguas, literaturas: sociedad del conocimiento. Enfoques desde y hacia la cultura [Translation, languages, literatures: society and knowledge. Approaches from and towards culture]. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Servicio de Publicaciones de la ULPGC. pp. 153–177.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper presents a study performed on air refuelling texts addressed to non-experts. Specifically, the aim is to discover the relationships between the different forms of knowledge at a conceptual level. After delimiting a small sample from aircraft-related magazines, a terminological method was applied to create a database from which the concept representations of the corpus were selected: illustrations, terms, explanations, and texts inserted inside illustrations. With the results of this research it is hoped a better understanding technical communications of low levels of specialization will be possible, thus contributing to the translation of this type of text.
Source : Based on author/Bitra