Publication details [#13428]
Lubkeman Allen, Sharon. 2006. Makine’s Testament: transposition, translation, translingualism, and the transformation of the novel. In Monti, Enrico and Fabio Regattin, eds. Traduzione tradizione? Paths in the European literary polysystem. Special issue of Revue of Literatures of the European Union 4 URL
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Article in Special issue
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This essay considers Makine’s fiction as emblematic of a literature of exile that extends into an increasingly ex-centric European polysystem the polyphonic aesthetics of an eccentric culture, peculiarly conscious of the ambivalent capacities of translation—to authorize publication; to challenge the authority of both 'original' and 'secondary' literary tradition; to guarantee and, at the same time, undermine 'authenticity;' to double, defer, displace authorship. It critically reconsiders the contribution of writers such as Makine, to Russian, French, and transnational literature, by cross-examining the multiple manifestions of translation in his novels through the layered critical lenses of Even-Zohar’s, Deleuze and Guattari’s, Bakhtin’s, and Lotman’s work in linguistics, narrative theory, and cultural semiotics.
Source : Abstract in journal