
Publication details [#13461]

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Article in jnl/bk
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The teaching techniques of translation have become in the past years a field of much needed interest in a growing number of theoretical studies and papers. However, it has not been the same, alas, for the specific field of the teaching of the mother tongue or target language, which does not count with basic and widespread thought to which the teachers involved can refer. On the contrary, as far as Translation Studies commonly known in Spain are concerned, the efforts of these professionals to build a background, to select a departing point and to put together a consistent and well focused syllabus for the translation and interpreting students are usually as praise worthy as a solitary endeavour. This contribution aims at providing some thinking towards the foundations of the curriculum of the target language for the student, in the first and subsequent years. These principles are treated from a very precise point of view: the close relationship between the translating and interpreting objectives and the acquisition of straight reasoning, including structuring of the information, and recognizing these same procedures that the original texts undergo. As a part of a vast program which takes language as a means of creating reasoning, this method draws from the humanistic (rhetorical) approach that complements the techniques of translation, a techné in itself. This syllabus proposal also suggests a series of mental operations which enable the student to express in the target languages their full consideration of the complexities of a well thought out and well rounded original text.
Source : Based on abstract in book