
Publication details [#13462]

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Article in jnl/bk
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Talking about the training of a translator or an interpreter during his/her academic period can be a paradox, since it is a general belief that a professional is trained while working. Furthermore, there is another point to highlight: the training of an interpreter as an institutional activity is a very recent phenomenon: the oldest school of translation and interpreting dates back to 1979 (University of Granada). Nevertheless, this circumstance does not justify how neglected interpreter training is. Fortunately, the first steps are underway in order to promote a deeper change in interpreter training. The article discusses the new syllabus of Translation and Interpreting in the University of Salamanca, which for the first time includes a new itinerary of interpreting. The innovation consists of a determination to develop the student’s interpreting ability in both working languages at the same level of quality, to the detriment of the translation, which has already been deeply studied throughout the three preceding years. However, the outlook is not so hopeful in other translation and interpreting faculties. On the other hand , the weak points of the education system are reflected in the quality of teaching, a task which is very often assigned to professionals in interpreting but not in teaching. As a matter of fact, in this paper the author approaches the topic from the point of view of an interpreting student. On the one hand, he presents the main deficiencies in the syllabus of Translation and Interpreting studies, and, on the other hand, he underlines the deficiencies of the teaching method. Finally the author makes several proposals to improve one of the objectives of this meeting: interpreter training inside and outside the educational field.
Source : Based on abstract in book