
Publication details [#13472]

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Article in jnl/bk
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The present article analyzes the tendencies and imminent changes in our present social and economic model by making reference to the globalization process, with the purpose of outlining the future development of the profession of the translator. To start with, 6 alternatives for recently graduated translators are pointed out. However, due to the economic situation, the characteristics of the national and the tendencies of the international market, the most probable career choice will be that of the freelance translator. Globalization, as the driving force behind the growth of the translation market, demands ever increasing mobility and flexibility of all involved. In a global world, the translator has to develop professional skills which enable him to stand out from his competitors. He therefore not only has to specialize but at the same time has to be fluent in more than one foreign language. Furthermore, his knowledge of information technology must be very advanced to enable him to form part of relevant international teams. The use of CAT tools and the command of other electronic formats beyond Word will be indispensable. The translator will have to operate like a small company, developing marketing techniques which should be translated into a strategic business plan. This means that all Schools of Translation and Interpreting need to include the subjects mentioned above and the practical application of new technologies in the management and translation process in their syllabi.
Source : Abstract in book