
Publication details [#13476]

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Article in jnl/bk
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The advance of digital contents in our society and the challenging speed of technological innovation cycles demand suitable answers, especially on the part of the university. With the objective to extend the offer of specific contents, the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria incorporated 'Software Localization' as an optional subject. This subject aims at familiarizing the students with the main tools, procedures and standards in this field. An important aspect in any localization project is an effective terminology management through the whole production chain from software development to localization. Within the framework of the subject we developed a specific term entry model for software localization in order to surpass the limitations of the ruling traditional approaches in this field. The classroom activities are embedded in other initiatives (projects with other universities, research, cooperation with manufacturers of localization technology), since only interdisciplinary efforts between all the groups interested in localization allow an increase in quality of products, processes and work conditions.
Source : Based on abstract in book