Publication details [#13479]
Ruiz Rosendo, Lucía and Presentación Padilla Benítez. 2005. La interpretación de congresos de medicina y la formación de intérpretes de conferencia [Medical conference interpreting and the training of conference interpreters]. In García García, María Elena, Antonio González Rodríguez, Claudia Kunschak and Patricia Scarampi, eds. IV jornadas sobre la formación y profesión del traductor e intérprete: calidad y traducción. Perspectivas académicas y profesionales [IV conference on training and career development in translation and interpreting: quality and translation. Academic and Professional Perspectives]. URL
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Article in jnl/bk
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Medical congresses are one of the events most frequently held at international level and one of the meetings that usually turn to interpreting services. Consequently, medical congresses offer a unique opportunity to conference interpreters, specially those whose linguistic combination is English-Spanish. As a matter of fact, English is currently the language par excellence of medical science. The main purpose of this communication is to analyse the specific features that define this typology of congresses, and the aspects related with the professional market and the specialized training offered to conference interpreters in Spanish universities.
Source : Abstract in book